Australian Jewellery

Published Date: 26 Jan '24

Australian Jewellery

Australia is famous for many things, like our wildlife, interesting food, and beaches, but our fashion and jewellery have rarely made the top of the lists. But Australian jewellery is not to be ignored!

Australian opals have long since reigned supreme in the opal jewellery market. The harsh outback environment where they are mined create some unique opal variants and are coveted in the jewellery industry. Australian opals are highly regarded for their quality, and their wide array of colours, being most famous for the “Dark Opal”. Not only are Australian opals often considered superior, they are also Australia’s national jewel!


Australia is also renowned for their diamonds, particularly from the Kimberely region. Western Australia is also one of the most prolific suppliers of coloured diamonds. These beauties, particularly the gorgeous pink diamonds, have really put Australia on the diamond map.


Australia also boasts of being one of the only countries where you can find the rare gem, musgravite. Ranging from shades of grayish green to deep purple. This gem wasn’t even discovered until the 1960’s, and is extremely rare in the jewellery industry, however, when worn Musgravite draws the eye in with its many different coloured facets.


These gems have definitely set Australia apart in the jewellery industry, so maybe it’s time for us all to look into more local suppliers to really boost our gorgeous jewellery!